State of


Vote Tour

The stakes of the upcoming election cycle are too high to not stand up and make sure our communities are informed, prepared and organized. Join Woke Vote and Until Freedom on tour across the South.


 About the Tour

The State of Emergency Vote Tour engages communities across the deep south and east coast to get out and vote in the upcoming 2020 Presidential election. Until Freedom and Woke Vote are committed to engaging communities who have been often ignored by the political system. The stakes of the upcoming election cycle are too high to not stand up and make sure these communities are informed, prepared and organized.


upcoming Tour Dates


History has taught us time and time again, if we want change in this country, we have to fight for it ourselves. So this is a state of emergency - it is a righteous call to action. Our collective existence, the justice for every name we’ve ever had to hashtag - it’s on the ballot this year. Every policy that could help or further harm our community - it’s on the ballot this year. Who we love, how we resist and what we value - it’s on the ballot this year. This moment, this tour, this vote - it’s about us.

- DeJuana Thompson, Creator, Woke Vote


There are marginalized people across the country who are counting on us and so my vote will be in solidarity with fellow Black women, undocumented people, Muslims & refugees, LGBTQIA people and for Breonna Taylor, George Floyd and the many who have been taken from us. This tour will inspire, inform and galvanize the collective power of communities of color.

- Tamika Mallory, Co-Founder, Until Freedom
